Our Story

La Chik was created by myself, Lisa Chocholik. I'm an entreprenuer from Chestermere, Alberta. I've made it my mission to create chic, interchangeable fashion accessories to fit all styles and needs. Want to update your look? Add a splash of colour to your business attire? Stand out on the golf course? No sweat! La Chik offers fun, functional, and great quality items to satisfy all tastes.

“When I created La Chik I wanted to give people a simple yet chic way to update their outfit that was also easy for both men and women." As La Chik’s Founder and Chief Designer, “I thought, what better way than taking an old standard – a belt – and turning it into a piece that will really emphasize an outfit. It’s so easy and fun to go from chic weekend wear to dinner wear in just one "clik"!”...

... and that's how it all started.  Now, 10 years into it, we have multiple interchangeable pieces.  Including a necklace, bracelet, ring, clik buckles, and the brand new "That Band Thing".

What’s in the Name?
The name La Chik originates from my first, middle and last name – Lisa Anne Chocholik – La Chik! What a coincidence that my last name truly represents the type of stylish “chik” fashion accessories that is my mission to create!

It’s been a pleasure to share our passion. We look forward to hearing from you… LISA & JIM

Stay in touch!...

Our mailing address...
176 West Creek Landing
Chestermere, AB T1X 1R8